The Color of Your Skin

The Color of Your Skin

Are you trying to figure out how to navigate all the challenges connected with racism? Systemic racism? How to be sensitive to the issues but not to engage in reverse racism? These issues baffle many of us and Rock Solid truths from the Bible can guide us into answers...
What’s Your View?

What’s Your View?

Often, we’ll hear someone ask: “What’s your truth? Or maybe they’ll say: “That’s my truth, his truth or her truth.” Because we all see things from different perspectives, whatever someone believes to be true is assumed to be valid....
Stop! Look! And, Listen!

Stop! Look! And, Listen!

,A vibration silently shook the steel rail beneath my foot. I stepped back and wondered if a train was coming. After a hot day on the beach, I was in a hurry to get home. Taking a shortcut meant crossing tracks where there was no barrier. “Whoooo, whooo”—a train...


Did you play soccer as a kid? That sport can be a ton of fun, but if you played for any length of time you learned how serious the game could become, especially during play-offs. I’ll never forget watching a wayward goal during the 1994 World Cup match in the...

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