Patti’s Press Page

Readers say Patti’s communication style is “raw,” “authentic,” and “intimate.” That carries over into her eye-opening honest messages about self, sexuality, and social issues. They are practical, culturally relevant, and impactful. Speaking with passion and persuasive power, her strong apologetics’ background, along with many years of Bible Study Fellowship (including leadership training), has equipped her to respond to questions in a factual calm manner without getting defensive or emotional. Or sounding like she has all the answers.

Patti has spoken at numerous churches, colleges (Christian and secular), and service clubs. She recently fielded numerous questions about her book The Windblown Girl: A Memoir about Self, Sexuality and Social Issues from a global audience on the “We Love Memoirs” Spotlight Sunday Facebook page. Her short bio can be found here and her long bio here.


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What You Need to Know about Self, Sexuality, and Social Issues.  Today, narcissism and self-esteem form the core of a person’s identity. Cheap sex destroys intimacy and faithfulness. Man defines “Justice” in ways that lead to increasing injustice. A biblical worldview can right these wrongs and replace individual brokenness with wholeness.

Take-Aways:  (1) Confidence of being made in God’s image gives people a valuable & stable identity that keeps them standing when life’s fierce winds blow.         

(2) Cultural lies about sex increase chaos and brokenness, whereas God’s boundaries lead to self-worth, genuine intimacy, and trustworthy relationships. 

(3) As defined by culture, social justice leads to increasing injustice, whereas dying to self and living according to a biblical worldview promotes true justice and equality.

4 blog posts* with content related to The Windblown Girl: A Memoir about Self, Sexuality and Social Issues. (Because the blog content is currently unavailable,  please email Patti at if you’re interested in seeing the following articles, and she will send you a pdf.) 

Short Bio

Long Bio

Head Shots and Book Cover: Upon request 


 Why Patti wrote The Windblown Girl: A Memoir about               Self, Sexuality, and Social Issues

  • Much like many of today’s young adults, she tried to “escape life’s pain” and ended up in chaos and agony. “Embracing life’s pain” brought comfort, peace, and stability. Today’s young adults deserve the same. So do readers of all ages.

  • By exchanging cultural lies for biblical truth, Patti has withstood life’s fiercest storms. The imagery of The Windblown Girl Lladro figurine is a constant reminder to keep standing strong on the rock of Christ (Truth). By doing things His way instead of succumbing to cultural lives and living according to a self-absorbed perspective, Patti has learned how young adults and those who love them can experience the same freedom. 

  • The “if it feels good, do it” mentality of the late sixties/early seventies indoctrinated Patti into a terrible brokenness, especially when it comes to sex. Today’s media often indoctrinates audiences with the lie that minds and emotions can be disengaged from an individual’s physical body. Research shows that, as a result, many young adults have lost the capability for intimacy. With mind, body, and soul integrated by Christ, Patti has been breaking free of cultural lies about sex and other issues. She wants young adults and those who love them to discover that pathway to wholeness.

  • Biblical boundaries don’t supply an arbitrary list of “dos” and “don’ts.” Patti wants young adults and those who love them to see that biblical standards act as an anchor by putting in place parameters that prevent hearts from being dashed against rocky obstacles. Staying within this safe harbor results in peace, love, unity and respect—the very thing thousands of young adults try to find by attending raves/electronic music festivals.
  • Having an accurate identity (sense of self) not only affects a person’s well-being and their sexuality, it also impacts their perspective on every justice issue. The more Patti has embraced being made in God’s image, the more she understands how by practicing the biblical principles included in America’s Declaration of Independence, that “all human beings are created equal,” most if not all justice issues would be resolved.
  • “Personhood theory” is a prevailing notion that mind and body can be kept separate. That’s why many promote legislation to permit babies to be aborted up to birth and perhaps even up to two years of age. If they aren’t yet a person, they can’t be murdered. The outworking of this dangerous thinking leads to the murder (euthanasia) of those deemed “not a person” by society. This issue is at the heart of promiscuity and the devaluing of various types of people including those who are disabled.

Sample Interview Questions

  • What did you do to try to escape life’s pain and how did that work out for you?
  • You claim a mysterious connection with the Lladro figurine, the
    Windblown Girl. What does she symbolize and how did her imagery
    help you to remain standing when life’s hurricane-force winds blew against you?
  • How does self-esteem conflict with biblical principles?
  • What is “personhood” theory and why is it dangerous?
  • What are cultural lies about casual sex, and why are they so
  • How can what we believe about ourselves provide the best weapon against injustice?
  • What is the connection between self, sex, and social issues?

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