Patti Townley-Covert
Windblown. Life’s winds can blow fierce, sometimes with hurricane force. And, that’s often happened for Patti Townley-Covert.
As a child her parents divorced. Although her teen years were pleasant, she craved the attention of boys and received plenty of it. At 19, she broke off a significant relationship to marry someone who didn’t have the power to hurt her–yet he did in ways she hadn’t expected.
At the age of 24, his voice shouted in her mind–“you’re frigid. “So did her mom’s, “you’re a prude.” Their voices influenced her choices giving a Norwegian navigator the power to turn her world upside down. Their two-week affair on a Caribbean cruise turned into a long-term etanglement. And Patti had to make choices.
Devastated by the impossibility of their situation, she exchanged cultural lies for biblical Truth. That choice led her away from chaos and insecurity to peace and stability.
I Don’t Live in a Pastel World
I don’t live in a pastel world. Mine is one of vibrant colors–bright blue, lemon yellow, passionate purple, and fire-siren red, fuschia, and chartreuse. No watered-down versions for me, my colors shout “I’m alive!”
I don’t live in a place of mild bland days, mine is full of scorching sun with rays so hot they’ll fry an egg on the sidewalk. Or frigid storms that rage complete with bomb-blast thunder and zig-zag bolts of light. I either have to bundle up in overcoats and sweaters or strip off the layers down to the coolness of a sundress with a wide-brimmed hat for shade.
I don’t live in a mediocre existence–mine is all or nothing, everything or zero, give it all I’ve got or don’t bother at all. I have dreams high and lofty, prayers that defy gravity, and a spirit complete with wings. And I love the One who created those dreams, answers my prayers, and makes my spirit soar.
Brave and Bold . . .
Afraid of roller coasters and anything that might cause physical harm, Patti once claimed to be a scardy-cat. But the same biblical truths that led her to write now whisper away her fears and give her the courage she needs. In Norway she went on a King Crab Safari, kayaked in a fjord, and hiked to a phenomenal waterfall. She’s stayed alone on an isolated beach on Whidby Island during a mudslide producing thunderstorm. And, she’s set aside her fears to write about some incredible adventures.
As a young woman Patti traveled the world. She watched her friend perform a rescue at sea, rode a camel in Egypt, and danced to steel drums in Barbados. Then she wrote about her adventures in The Windblown Girl.

Biblical principles transformed Patti’s life and took her from chaos and confusion to stability and peace. They’ve given her a Rock Solid platform to stand on. One of her favorite compliments is that she’s consistent. Only Jesus, the Prince of Peace, can bring stability when life’s winds blow fierce. These are the values reflected in her writing whether it’s her free e-newsletter, blog, magazine articles, her book The Windblown Girl or THE CHOICE Series currently in process.
Creation, Evangelism, & A Biblical Worldview
From the majesty of the universe to the editing system within a single cell, Patti loves pointing people to the Creator. That’s why she maintains a “Praise Our Creator” Facebook page illustrated by photos from her friend, Mark Alan Ritter,
Decades of studying apologetics, participating in Bible Study Fellowship, and editing books by scientists gave Patti a deep love for absolute truth, logic, and sound thinking. Co-writing In the Red Zone: A Game Plan for How to Share Your Faith, crystalized concepts related to personal outreach. These efforts have contributed to her biblical worldview and she continues learning so she can share it with her readers.
Leadership & Team Development
After years of editing organizational leadership doctoral dissertations and participating in leadership for Bible Study Fellowship, Patti led a communications team for a science/faith nonprofit. Eager to learn more, Patti continues to study and practice the techniques of Patrick Lencioni, John Wooden, Peter Drucker and other leadership experts so she can infuse her writing with healthy concepts that lead to unity in the Body of Christ.
Social Issues
Learning about her identity in Christ taught Patti to embrace and promote the dignity of every human being, whether rich or poor, young or old, regardless of ethnicity or sinful behaviors. Regardless of choices, which can change, she loves people and knows Jesus loves them enough that He died for them. That’s what He did for her and that’s why she writes about social issues. Efforts without biblical principles means there is NO justice. They are simply based on man’s opinions. Patti’s either has been or is still involved with the following groups:
- Co-founder of anti-trafficking group, Every One Free Pomona, CA
- Co-founder of the Faith Initiative Against Trafficking (FIAT) in Los Angeles County. This initiative was subsequently enfolded into the Los Angeles County Human Trafficking Task Force.
- In 2017, Patti won Evangelical Press Association’s first place freelance award for her article featuring Every One Free and FIAT.
- Patti has volunteered with Olive Crest for many years helping raise funds for their programs.
- She has written numerous magazine and newspaper articles about nonprofits such as Food For Life, Pacific Lifeline, Engage to Go (an outreach to those in the rave culture), and Eagle’s Wings (helping women overcome domestic violence).
Patti Townley-Covert has a proven record of putting actions to words for the safety and betterment of the ‘widows and orphans’ in our community. She is a vocal and active leader for making a difference in our local community through Olive Crest [a nonprofit transforming the lives of at-risk kids] – as well as affecting change in our country. Patti represents the essence of what makes America great … one person doing the most with the opportunities that they have in front of them in order to make life better for those around her!
My husband, Rob, and I met Patti when we came together in the fight against human trafficking. As we’ve gone on to build relationships with scores of young adults, Patti has been a strong support. She’s written about our nonprofit and contributed in ways that demonstrate her heart of compassion and care.
I am honored to endorse Patti Townley-Covert and the work she is doing in the area of justice. She has an amazing heart for victims of Domestic Violence. She continues to be a voice for those who are currently unable to speak for themselves.
I’ve known Patti for more than a decade and have the highest respect for her, not only as a person, but also for the influence she has as a writer and advocate for those affected by this worldwide crisis as well as many other social injustices.
Every man’s life is a fairy tale, written by God’s fingers.
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