The Dutch Immigrant

The Dutch Immigrant
About the Book

Albert Vande Steeg was a young child when the Nazis invaded his homeland of The Netherlands. He arrived in America on the ship SS Veendam, pictured on the front cover of this book. Fleeing war-torn Holland brought many new challenges. Melding an historic old culture into America proved to be a struggle. The children adapted fast, and their challenge became trying to keep peace at home while living and going to school with their new American friends.

One son eventually joined the army and was sent to Germany, the country of those who persecuted them during the Great War. Another son joined the marines and went to Vietnam. The mother, struggling with loneliness, decided to return to Holland. Although the family never compromises, they find peace and are satisfied with the choices they make.

Author: Albert vande Steeg
Genre: Inspirational
Publisher: Aakenbaaken & Kent
Publication Year: 2023
Format: Paperback
Length: 252 pages
ASIN: 1958022993
ISBN: 9781958022993

List Price: 16.99
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