The Dutch Winter

The Dutch Winter

A journey inside the mind and heart of a young lad during the Nazi occupation of Holland.

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About the Book

This novel will grip your soul as you walk with Herve’ through the years of the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. The Dutch Winter is a journey inside the mind and heart of a young lad who experiences extreme hunger, the loss of freedom, and the fear of death.

The stalwartness of the Dutch and the strength of their faith are evident as they struggle against and survive the Democratic Socialism of the Third Reich.

The Dutch Winter will warm your heart as you share in the victor of good over evil and read the tribute Herve’ pens to the Statue of Liberty.

Albert vande Steeg survived the hunger winter of the Nazi occupation of the family farm. His parents emigrated to the United States in 1948 with their four children. Al’s been married for more than fifty years to his sweetheart, Cindy. They live in California.


Author: Albert vande Steeg
Publisher: Aakenbaaken & Kent
Publication Year: 2022
Format: Paperback
Length: 332 pages
ASIN: 1958022004
ISBN: 9781958022009

List Price: $11.96
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