The Choice



What will you decide?

“There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, in the end, ‘Thy will be done.'”
C. S. Lewis, The Great Divorce

Coming Spring 2025


Set in England just after WWII, THE CHOICE Series, by Patti Townley-Covert and Nan Rinella, introduces you to five friends: Lily (a stunning up-and-coming fashion designer), her best friend Phila (a brilliant Oxford student, who fantasizes about finding Prince Charming) and the three young veterans who cherish them.

Ollie, a tall red-haired Scottish hero, battles post-war demons as he tries to win Phila’s heart. Although her handsome genius brother, Hugh, still longs for national glory, he also yearns for Lily. Dan, an American humanist interloper becomes Hugh’s primary competition. Friendship develops among the five young adults amidst challenging inner voices such as Pride, Shame, and Doubt along with Humility, Honor, and Trust.

The wit and wisdom of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien at the Eagle and Child pub and in the halls of Oxford also influences their decisions. As these characters engage your mind and delight your heart, they’ll become your friends, too.

NYT Bestselling author of The Secret Book of Flora Lea, Patti Callahan Henry says,

“I am always fascinated by stories that delve into the magnificent imagination of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. Rinella and Townley-Covert care deeply for both men’s work and weave their ingenious ideas into THE CHOICE Series.”


Do you hear voices?

If we’re honest, we all do—you know the ones—those conflicting inner voices that whisper or SHOUT inside our minds.

Maybe you hear your mom repeating messages of Ridicule or Encouragement. Or perhaps scripture you memorized conveys Wisdom. Culture booms so loud, its messages seem impossible to ignore. Conscience usually speaks with a still small voice.

Voices like Regret, Defeat, Shame, Self-Pity, Scorn, and Guilt may beat you down. Pride, Ego, or Self can puff you up.  Some voices scream horrendous thoughts that spawn deplorable feelings about yourself. Fear, Rebellion, Hatred, and Bitterness often attack in the dead of night. Defeat, Despair, and Disgrace might send you deep into depression. Failure. “You’re a loser. You’ll never amount to anything.”

Have you ever heard them? The father of lies wants to deceive you, and misguided voices should be instantly silenced. Then you can hear the Holy Spirit whisper the truths of Courage, Compassion, Grace, Sacrifice, and Forgiveness. Their messages build your character and provide a pathway to peace..

During the writing of this series, Patti Townley-Covert and Nan Rinella have been rebuking negative voices and cheering each other on with positive messages.

About the series creator,

Nan Rinella

She claims to be a Hobbit in Narnia. Perhaps you already know that’s a small down-to-earth creature who loves life’s comforts. Yet, once upon a time (2004 to be exact), Nan, a petite down-to-earth journalist, ventured into “The Fantastic Worlds of C. S. Lewis & J. R. R. Tolkien” (a C. S. Lewis Foundation, CSLF, event). After reading the academic tomes of some of the exceptional other-worldly speakers, she went forth in fear and trembling and has been on a wild ride ever since.

THE CHOICE characters have come along with her. These five friends became her friends as she traced their lives and delighted her heart.

After writing scenes for three books, and crafting enogh for two more in her mind, she hired Patti Townley Covert as an editor. Sometimes writers (and hobbits) go down rabbit holes and alas, such was the case for the five-book series. A literary agent advised that there were too many detours. The five books needed to be consolidated, perhaps into two (but we think three might be better).

Then, another obstacle popped up. Nan got macular degeneration. She’s going blind. So, she relinquished her role as lead author to Patti. It just made sense that as Nan’s brilliant research and masterful storytelling guide Patti; she can take the lead in recrafting the stories, making them more concise, and marketing them. Their partnership is teamwork at its finest.

To keep up with their progress and receive the free prequel as soon as it’s finished, subscribe to the free e-newsletter below.

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