You need self-esteem, right? Society says you do. Coaches award trophies to children just for showing up. Some teachers no longer want to give grades because that might hurt someone’s feelings. Though you long for family, friends, and employers to notice your achievements; they often don’t, so maybe you don’t measure up. Negative comments devastate your confidence. How are you supposed to feel good about yourself when life keeps dragging you down?
Everyone from A-list actors in Hollywood to well-meaning church folks reminds you that you need a significant other to be happy. But maybe you just haven’t found the “one.” Nobody makes you feel special or satisfies you physically. Trying to figure it out, you try one partner after another hoping that eventually a spark will ignite your fire. Truth be told you don’t even like sex much, but fake it because you want someone special to think you’re sexy, brilliant, enough.
Or maybe you’ve found that special person, the one who does satisfy you, but you’re filled with anxiety, constantly wondering if you’re enough to hold the relationship together. How are you ever supposed to find contentment?
And then, there’s social justice. Why can’t everyone regardless of age, race, religion, or sexual orientation just be treated equal? And, why should you care? You’re only one person. What are you supposed to do about it? Where does justice come from anyway and what does it have to do with self and sex?
For decades, I’ve studied these issues and seen how they’ve led individuals and our society into increasing chaos. But there’s hope. Forming an accurate view of self, sex, and social justice can eliminate personal turmoil as well as change the world. I know that’s true because as my perspective of these issues changed, my life took on meaning, significance and purpose, and I’ve gotten to know some pretty incredible world-changers.
To be honest, finding the truth hasn’t been easy. I had to set aside people’s expectations to learn and grow. It meant examining my beliefs to figure out what fit reality—the rock-solid truth that doesn’t change at the whim of culture, Hollywood, or political parties. But the results have given me peace, a greater ability to love, self-respect that translates to respect for others and an internal unity that extends to unity with others.
Maybe together we can think through these issues and make sense of some of them. My plan is to post about once a week, and I’ll do my best to stick with that. Next time, we’ll focus on “self.”
Meanwhile I’d love to hear your questions or thoughts about self, sex, and social justice. Please comment below as that will help me get to know you. My only guideline is to keep your comments respectful.
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