The Windblown Girl
Ungranted yet? Faith cannot be unanswered;
Her feet were firmly planted on the Rock;
Amid the wildest storm prayer stands undaunted,
Nor quails before the loudest thunder shock.
She knows Omnipotence has heard her prayer,
And cries, “It shall be done,” sometime, somewhere.
“Unanswered Yet”
Lyrics by F. G. Burroughs, 1879
Lladro’s “The Windblown Girl” figurine
Used with permission
STANDING Strong ON A Foundation of BIBLICAL Truth
2022 5th Place, Higher Goal Award Winner for Blog Website, Evangelical Press Association
Rock Solid
Do you ever feel like life’s fierce winds might blow you around like a tumble weed? Relationships. Jobs. Illness. Financial instability. Civil unrest. Chaos. Confusion. That’s life–mine and yours.
As a teen and young adult, I watched repeated televised replays of our president, John F. Kennedy, being shot. Then his brother, Bobby, and Martin Luther King Jr. were assassinated. The Watts riots took place in Los Angeles about 30 miles from my home. Students were shot at Kent State. America was in turmoil, and so was my personal life. My dad was declared an MIA in Vietnam. If alive, he was being tortured. I hated my job and my marriage.
The mantra at that time was “If it feels good, do it.” So, for awhile I did. The voices in my mind influenced me to make self-destructive choices that hurt so much that I never wanted to suffer such pain again. And, the same thing can easily happen today as Anger, Despair, Fear, Desire try to determine the choices we make.
But a relationship with Jesus Christ and exchanging cultural lies for biblical truth can change the messages we tell ourselves.. That’s how this Lladro figurine came to represent confidence, peace, and stability in my life and the same thing can happen for you as you stand on the solid Rock of Christ with the Bible in your hands, looking toward His eternal kingdom. (You can find more of my transformation in my memoir, The Windblown Girl: A Memoir about Self, Sexuality, and Social Issues.)
Regardless of how fierce life’s winds blow, the Rock Solid foundation of Biblical Truth permits women and men to stand strong. So with this blog, I’ll do my best to refute the cultural lies that lead us into trouble. Hopefully the posts will encourage you to build your life on a biblical foundation of universal truths that must be dealt with one way or another. Truths such as one day we all die. We’ll either live for oursevles in the moment or with goals guiding our steps that build characters. We’ll behave according to belief that all men are created equal or we’ll perpetuate the injustice of some people are superior to others.
This blog’s intent is to help us live beyond ourselves and experience peace, love, unity, and respect in a relationship with the living God. And, that is greater than . . . anything. Even death.
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