Christian Living
The Windblown Girl: A Memoir about Self, Sexuality, and Social Issues

The Windblown Girl: A Memoir about Self, Sexuality, and Social Issues

$15.79eBook: $9.99

Patti wants to escape life's pain. Leaving her troubled marriage behind, she goes on a two-week Caribbean cruise with her mom. But she never imagined embarking on a dramatic love affair with a Norwegian navigator. Fully aware she must not fall in love, Patti decides to explore her sexuality. Their relationship will end when she disembarks. That's how casual sex works or does it?

Cultural lies convinced Patti and her lover that they could separate their emotions from physical intimacy. But the truth was far more complicated. Their identity and sexuality intertwined in ways that not only impacted the rest of their lives, but also colored their thinking on social issues. In the midst of the mess, the Windblown Girl Lladro figurine portrayed an unexpected solution that offered stability. It also turned Patti into the woman she'd always wanted to be.

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